Watch the recording of our 3R Online Workshop: Advances in Alternative Non-Animal Methods and Policies!

21st August 2023

The recording of our webinar is available, watch it here !

 Finish 3R Center Finland and Finnadvance are jointly organizing an online workshop on non-animal methods and their societal impact on August 21st, 2023.

The use of animals in preclinical studies has been the standard practice to assess drug safety and efficacy before human trials. However, animal studies often fail to accurately predict human outcomes, leading to costly drug failures and decreased patient safety.There is also a growing global recognition of the ethical issues associated with animal testing, prompting researchers and the public to advocate for more humane alternatives.

Legal changes have also been introduced, such as the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 in the United States, which allows the drug industry touse non-animal methods for safety and efficacy assessments. The EU has also expressed support for the development and implementation of innovative animal-free techniques. Thus, everyone in the field of biomedicine and drug development should start to consider and implement alternative non-animal methods.

This event will feature presentations of renowned speakers from regulatory bodies, academia, industry, and other stakeholders about recent progress in legislation and research highlights in the field of alternative non-animal methods.

Watch the recording of our 3R workshop



12:15-12:20 Welcoming words by Johanna Englund (Fin3R, University of Helsinki) and Prateek Singh (Finnadvance)


Session 1. Non-animal methods and society

Chair: Sébastien Mosser, CSO, Finnadvance

   12:20-13:00 Sirpa Pietikäinen (MEP, Member of EPAA): More reliable, more ethical, and better testing within vitro testing

   13:00-13:30 Jeffrey Brown (PETA,UK): Improving the paths to clinical trials without animal tests

   13:30-14:00 Reetta Hinttala (University of Oulu): The 3R principles as part of daily operations of the transgenic core facility

   14:00-14:30 Tuula Heinonen (Tampere University): The use and acceptance of NAMS in regulatory science with future projection


14:30-14:45 **Break**

 Session 2. Research highlights using novel animal-free methods

Chair: Heidi Haikala, Principal Investigator, University of Helsinki & Sarka Lehtonen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland

   14:45-15:15 Susanna Miettinen (Tampere University): Human Organ-On-A-Chip Platforms: A Convergence of Cells, Tissues, and Microscale Technologies

   15:15-15:45 Tuuli-Maria Sonninen (University of Eastern Finland): Blood-brain barrier on a chip

   15:45-16:15 Heidi Haikala (University of Helsinki): Modeling anti-tumor immunity on a chip

   16:15-16:45 Jenni Hakkarainen (Chief Operating Officer, Experimentica Inc): Epithelial barrier models in preclinical testing

   16:45-17:15 Laura Alvarez (Deputy Director of Science & Regulatory Affairs at Cruelty Free International): Incorporating new approach methodologies into regulatory nonclinical pharmaceutical safety assessment


  17:15 Closing remarks, end of seminar

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